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Your case appeal time line



The Check process commences with a request by or on
behalf of the ratepayer to the VOA to Check the
information it holds on the property. On receiving such a
request, the VOA may request further details however they must respond within 12 months.


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Once the Check Stage is complete it will be possible to make a
Challenge to alter the Rating List. 

It must be made within 4 months of the completion of the Check
Stage, or up to 16 months for a material change of circumstances proposal, relating to changes that have occurred in the locality of the property (e.g. road works or building works). 


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If no agreement is reached on the Challenge, the VOA will issue
a notice setting out its considered decision and the reasons for
it. Only once a Decision Notice is issued – or if 18 months have
elapsed from the date of the Challenge without a notice being
issued – it is possible to Appeal to the Valuation Tribunal of England.


An Appeal must be made within 4 months of the date of the Decision Notice.

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